I am Invisible
It all started when…
At the moment I have three photography projects. First "BELONGING" which has to be finished by 15th February and I am well into it. Next, "EXPRESS YOURSELF" which I have loads to do prior to an exhibition at the Forum in Southend in November/December 2019, but at least I have started and finally, "I AM INVISIBLE", a personal project which is to document the way I feel and have felt most of my life. (I am getting counselling but need to do this). As a start I want to quote an extract from the lyrics to Something So Right by Paul Simon which sums up what I feel and the project:-
Something So Right by Paul Simon.
When something goes wrong
I'm the first to admit it
I'm the first to admit it
But the last one to know
When something goes right
Well it's likely to lose me
It's apt to confuse me
It's such an unusual sight
I can't get used to something so right
Something so right
They've got a wall in China
It's a thousand miles long
To keep out the foreigners
They made it strong
I've got a wall around me
You can't even see
It took a little time
To get to me